If you have high cholesterol and want to be proactive, consider adding these beverages to your diet.

A study discovered that Green Tea lowered LDL levels in both healthy individuals and those at risk of heart problems.

Soy milk is helpful for lowering high cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that two proteins in soybeans, glycinin and B-conglycinin, can reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, at significantly higher levels which helps protect the heart by lowering levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

 Red grapes are rich in a potent antioxidant called resveratrol. The higher the antioxidant levels, which helps remove high cholestrol

Beet Juice not only protect your heart and reduce inflammation, but they can also reduce LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL

Blue berries are Known for their high antioxidant levels, it contains anthocyanins that act as natural anti-inflammatories and helps  Lower Pesky LDL Level

Pineapple juice contains Bromelain, an enzyme which is known for its significant benefits to cardiovascular health, such as protecting against blood clots and heart disease.

Oat milk is low in calories and does not contain cholesterol or saturated fats. This makes it a good option for lowering your LDL levels.

Tomato juice is known for its ability to improve cardiovascular function. It helps to Potentially Lower Cholesterol